Peoplesoft Advanced Query Security

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  1. Creating Peoplesoft Queries
  2. Peoplesoft Query Tree
  3. Peoplesoft Row Security
  4. Peoplesoft Advanced Query Security Extension
  5. Peoplesoft Advanced Query Security Tree

By default, when yougive PeopleSoft Query users access to a record definition, they canaccess all the rows of data in the table that were built using theassociated record definition. In some cases, though, you may wantto restrict users from seeing some of those data rows. For example,you may not want your human resources staff to access compensationdata for vice presidents or above. That is, you want to enforce the row-level security feature that is offered by many PeopleSoft applications.

Row-level security enablesusers to access a table without accessing all rows on that table.This type of security is typically applied to tables that hold sensitivedata. For example, you might want users to be able to review personaldata for employees in their own departments but not for employeesin other departments. To accomplish this, you would give everyoneaccess to the PERSONAL_DATA table, but would enforce row-level securityso that users could see only the rows where the DEPTID matches theirown.

Note: PeopleSoft Query row-levelsecurity is enforced only when you are using PeopleSoft Query or ScheduledQuery; it doesn't control runtime page access to table data.

Implement row-level security by having PeopleSoft Query search for data using a query security record definition. The query security record definition adds a security check to the search. Query security record definitions serve the same purpose as search record definitions do for pages. The PeopleSoft query tool also automatically enforces the row level security when the user queries sensitive data tables. Refer to PeopleSoft Query PeopleBook for more information on creating and running queries.

PeopleSoft applicationsimplement row-level security by using a query security record (typicallya view) that is specified on the record definition that joins thedata table with an authorization table. When a user searches for datain the data table, the system performs a related record join betweenthe security record view and the base table (rather than searchingthe table directly). The view adds a security check to the search,based on the criteria that you have set up for row-level security.For example, to restrict users to seeing only data from their owndepartments, the view would select from the underlying table onlythose rows where the DEPTID matches the user’s DEPTID. You can specifythe query security record by selecting an appropriate view from the Query Security Record drop-down list on the Record Properties dialog box for any recorddefinition.

PeopleSoft Query is a great way to retrieve information from PeopleSoft without having to write the complex SQL queries. However, as a PeopleSoft admin – there may be situations when you need to seek information from the PeopleSoft Query tables. Oct 11, 2016  Advanced Query Security. Then they map the secured field name with the PeopleSoft field name and run the Apply Security process. Optionally, filters can be applied to the secured fields based on the PeopleSoft product name such as General Ledger, Purchasing, and so on. Advanced Query for Query Developers This is a training guide to step you through the advanced functions of Query in NUFinancials. Query is an ad-hoc reporting tool that allows you to retrieve data that is stored in the. Jun 07, 2010  Query access (records) are provided to individuals via permission list security. In v8.9, there is a page called 'Query' and there is a link titled 'Access Group Permissions'. That page allows you to enter one or more Query Tree Names and a corresponding Access Group and an indicator to make it accessible or not.

Image: Record Propertiesdialog box - Use tab

Creating Peoplesoft Queries

This example illustratesthe Record Properties dialog box - Use tab with the Query Security Record field is set to QE_PERS_SRCH.

Note: Process and role queriesoverride the automatic row-level query security logic that is appliedto all other types of queries. For this reason, you should restrictaccess to creating these types of queries to administrative typesof roles and not include any sensitive data columns in the selectlist for these types of queries. You can restrict access to creatingand modifying these queries based on query profile settings that areassigned to a permission list. Note that Workflow queries also overridethe row-level security logic.

Securing Data Throughthe Search Record

To secure data throughthe query security record view, create a query security record thathas both of the following criteria:

  • The same key field as thebase record that you are securing.

  • One of the following threerow-level security fields as a key field and not as a list box item:

    • OPRID (User ID).

    • OPRCLASS (Primary PermissionList).

    • ROWSECCLASS (Row SecurityPermission List).

Note: These security criteriaare applied for all definitions, including multiple query securityrecord definitions and single query security record definitions.


When you add one ofthe preceding fields as a key field, PeopleTools automatically addsa WHERE clause when it does a SELECT through the record. This forcesthe value to be equal to the current user’s value.

See Using Query Access Group Trees, Using Query Profiles.

Implement row-levelsecurity by having PeopleSoft Query search for data using a query security record definition. The query security record definition adds a security check to thesearch.

Query security recorddefinitions serve the same purpose as search record definitions dofor pages. Just as a search record definition determines what datathe user can display in the page, the query security record definitiondetermines what data the user can display with PeopleSoft Query.

To get PeopleSoft Queryto retrieve data by joining a security record definition to the basetable, specify the appropriate query security record when you createthe base table’s record definition.

Note: The PeopleSoft row-levelsecurity views restrict users from seeing certain rows of data. Ifyou specify a query security record for a given base record definition,PeopleSoft Query adds a qualifier to the WHERE clause of each query,instructing the system to retrieve only rows in organizational entitiesto which you have been granted access. If you perform a historicalquery—for example, a query asking for the employees in your departmentas of last year—you may not get the results that you expect. Becausethe system is enforcing row-level security, PeopleSoft Query returnsonly those employees who were in the department last year and whoare currently in a department to which you have access.

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Each PeopleSoft productline comes with a set of views for implementing its standard row-levelsecurity options.

You are able to addmultiple query security records for a record definition, including:

  • Associating multiple querysecurity records with a single record.

  • Specifying the fields (includingnon-key fields from the query security record) and the base recordthat will be used to secure the data.

Adding MultipleQuery Security Records for Record Definitions

Query Administratoruses the Advanced Query Security Record Mapping dialog box and theAdd Query Security Record dialog box in Application Designer to addmultiple query security records for a record definition. Note thateach base record can have one query security record defined in theRecord Property dialog box and as many as five additional query securityrecords defined in the Advanced Query Security Record Mapping dialogbox. When you add more than five query security records using theAdvanced Query Security Record Mapping dialog box, an error messageappears to alert you that the maximum limit has been reached.


  1. Open the Record Propertiesdialog box in Application Designer.

  2. Click the Advanced Query Security button.

  3. In the Advanced Query SecurityRecord Mapping dialog box, click the Add button.

Image: Advanced Query SecurityRecord Mapping dialog box

This example illustratesthe Advanced Query Security Record Mapping dialog box in ApplicationDesigner.

Image: Add Query SecurityRecord dialog box

This example illustratesthe Add Query Security Record dialog box in Application Designer.

Peoplesoft Query Tree

Field or Control


Secured Field

Select a field fromthe available fields in the base record.

Query Security Record

Select a record thatyou have permission to access.

Note: Dynamic views, derivedor work records, subrecords, and temporary records cannot be usedas query security records. These records are excluded from the Query Security Record drop-down list.

Field Name

Select a field fromthe selected query security record.

To add multiple querysecurity records for record definitions:

  1. In Application Designer,open the Record Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the Advanced Query Security button.

    The AdvancedQuery Security Record Mapping dialog box appears with the list ofquery security records that are already set to the current record.

  3. Click the Add buttonto access the Add Query Security Record dialog box.

  4. Use the Add Query SecurityRecord dialog box to enter additional query security records and theircorresponding field mappings.

Peoplesoft Row Security

Removing Query SecurityRecords from Record Definitions

Peoplesoft Advanced Query Security Extension

To remove query securityrecords from record definitions:

Peoplesoft Advanced Query Security Tree

  1. In Application Designer,open the Record Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the Advanced Query Security button.

    The AdvancedQuery Security Record Mapping dialog box appears with the list ofquery security records that are already set to the current record.

  3. Select a row in the QuerySecurity Record section.

  4. Click the Delete button.

    A warning message appears.

  5. Click the Yes buttonto confirm the deletion.