Osho Awareness Pdf

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Osho on awareness pdf Osho Books: Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance - Awareness, says Osho, is the key to being self-directed, centered, and free in every aspect of our lives.Osho eBooks: Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance - Awareness, says Osho, is the key to. AWARENESS - The Key to Living in Balance - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. Osho on awareness pdf Osho Books: Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance - Awareness, says Osho, is the key to being self-directed, centered, and free in every aspect of our lives.Osho eBooks: Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance - Awareness, says Osho, is the key to. The New osho.com Everything, Everywhere, All the Time Be Your Own Master TIMES JULY 2008 RS. 30 Interview with Vishal Bharadwaj A Pocket Full of Songs. OSHO meditation books, translation of hindi talks, world tour talks, darshan diaries, personal glimpses, responses to questions, books on indian mystics, books on western mystics, books on upanishads, OSHO books on jesus, OSHO books on yoga, OSHO books on tantra, books on tao, OSHO books on zen, OSHO books on buddha.

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  • One of the most important things to be understood about man is that man is asleep. Even while he thinks he is awake, he is not. His wakefulness is very fragile; his wakefulness is so tiny it doesn’t matter at all. His wakefulness is only a beautiful name but utterly empty.
  • You are dreaming sometimes with open eyes and sometimes with closed eyes, but you are dreaming – you are a dream. You are not yet a reality.
  • Be awake.
  • Wakefulness is the goal and wakefulness is the taste of all their teaching.
  • You do things according to your own state of mind.
  • What is the point of talking about god to people who are asleep?
  • Silence is the answer.
  • Silence is the space in which one awakens, and the noisy mind is the space in which one remains asleep.
  • It does not come from the outside, it arises in you, it grows in you. Otherwise, remember, you are asleep.
  • Wakefulness is the way to life.
  • We function like robots. We are not men yet; we are machines.
  • If you watch yourself, you will know how mechanically you behave.
  • Joke: A man asked a rabbi, “Why didn’t Jesus choose to be born in twentieth-century America? The rabbi shrugged his shoulders and said “In America? It would have been impossible. Where can you find a virgin firstly? And secondly, where will you find three wise men?
  • The normal humanity is utterly asleep. Even animals are not so asleep.
  • If you become a mind, you lose consciousness – mind means sleep, mind means noise, mind means mechanicalness. If you become a mind, you lose consciousness.
  • It is knowledge that keeps you asleep; hence the more knowledgeable a person is, the more asleep.
  • Innocent villagers are far more alert and awake than the professors in the universities and the pundits in the temples. The pundits are nothing but parrots; the academicians in the universities are full of absolutely meaningless noise – just minds and no consciousness.
  • When you work with nature, nature is alert.
  • Man seems to be the most asleep.
  • Wakefulness is the way to life.
  • You are alive if you are awake.
  • Become more wakeful and you will become more alive.
  • Man has a great unconscious hidden in him. The conscious mind is only one-tenth, and the unconscious mind is nine times bigger than the conscious.
  • Behind the individual unconscious there is a collective unconscious.
  • The conscious mind – a very fragile thing, a very small part of your being. Behind the conscious is the subconscious mind – vague, you can hear its whispering but you cannot figure it out. It is always there behind the conscious, pulling its strings. Third is the unconscious mind, which you come across only in dreams or when you take drugs. Then, the collective unconscious mind. You come across it only when you go into a deep inquiry into your unconscious mind; then you come across the collective unconscious. And if you go still further, deeper, you will come to the cosmic unconscious. The cosmic unconscious is nature.
  • You are just living in a small corner of your being – the tiny conscious mind. It is as if somebody has a palace and has completely forgotten about the palace and has started living on the porch – and thinks this is all.
  • Man’s ego never wants to accept that there is anything higher than him.
  • The fool sleeps as if he were already dead, but the master is awake and he lives forever.
  • Awareness is eternal, it knows no death. Only awareness dies.
  • Become absolutely alert.
  • Truth is always simple and always beautiful.
  • Worlds within worlds, infinite worlds – He watches. He is clear.
  • The only thing that has to be learned is watchfulness. Watch! Watch every act that you do. Watch every thought that passes in your mind. Watch every desire that takes possession of you. Watch even small gestures – walking, talking, eating, taking a bath. Go on watching everything. Let everything become an opportunity to watch.
  • Never repent for the past! Live in the moment.
  • Habits die hard.
  • And when one is clear, one is blissful. Confusion is the root cause of misery; it is clarity that is the foundation of blissfulness.
  • Transformation happens only when you put your total energy into it.
  • Upward is synonymous with inward and downward is synonymous with outward. Consciousness goes inward, unconsciousness goes outward. Unconsciousness makes you interested in others – things, people, but it is always the others. Unconsciousness keeps you completely in darkness; your eyes go on being focused on others. It creates a kind of exteriority, it makes you extroverts. Consciousness creates interiority. It makes you introverts; it takes you inward, deeper and deeper.
  • Misery is a state of unconsciousness.
  • We are continuously contradicting ourselves each moment. Action goes in one direction, thinking goes in another, feeling is somewhere else. We go on falling apart, we become more, and more fragmented. That’s what misery is – we lose integration, we lose unity.
  • You have to become aware of your body and what you are doing with it.
  • The first step in awareness is to be watchful of your body.
  • And as you become aware, a miracle starts happening; many things that you used to do before simply disappear.
  • And when your body and your mind are at peace, you will see that they are attuned to each other.
  • The body knows pleasure, the mind knows happiness, the heart knows joy, the fourth knows bliss. Bliss is the goal, and awareness is the path toward it.
  • The original word sin means to miss.
  • If you are alert, many things simply drop; you need not drop them. In awareness, certain things are not possible.
  • You cannot fall in love if you are aware, then falling in love is a sin. You can love, but it will not be like a fall, it will be like a rise.
  • Love should give freedom; love is freedom. Love will make the beloved more and more free, love will give wings, and love will open the vast closure.
  • Priests have done so well because they converted freedom into imprisonments, they converted truth into dogmas – they converted everything from the plane of awareness to the plane of sleep.
  • The quality of love comes only when there is awareness.
  • The mind is always either in the past or in the future. It cannot be in the present, it is absolutely impossible for the mind to be in the present. When you are in the present, the mind is there no more – because mind means thinking. How can you think in the present? You can think about the past; it has already become part of the memory, the mind can work it out. You can think about the future; it is not yet there, the mind can dream about it. Mind can do two things. Either it can move into the past – there is space enough to move, the vast space of the past; you can go on and on and on – or the mind can move into the future; again vast space, no end to it, you can imagine and imagine and dream. But how can mind function in the present? It has no space for the mind to make any movement.
  • You can be in the present but you cannot think, for thinking, space is needed. Thoughts need space, they are just like things. Remember it – thoughts are subtle things, they are material. The dimension of the spiritual starts only when there are no thoughts.
  • Thoughts are material things, very subtle, and every material thing needs space.
  • If you don’t think, where is the duality?
  • Dreaming is nothing but thinking in pictures.
  • When you are in the present without thinking, you are for the first time spiritual. A new dimension opens – that dimension is awareness.
  • Awareness means to be in the moment so totally that there is no movement toward the past, no movement toward the future – all movement stops.
  • The whole world moves, existence moves, into eternity. Mind moves in time.
  • Be in the moment. Bring your total being into the moment. Don’t allow the past to interfere and don’t allow the future to come in. The past is no more, it is dead.
  • Tomorrow never comes.
  • Time is the world and eternity is god; horizontal is the world, vertical is god.
  • From here and now you can go on two journeys; one journey in the world, in the future, the other journey into god, into depth.
  • This world that you see around you is not the real world. Not that it doesn’t exist – it exists – but you are seeing it through a screen of sleep. An unconsciousness is in between, you look at it, you interpret it in your own way.
  • Now everywhere you are taught logic, not mystery.
  • This is the sleep, being absent, being not present to the present moment, being somewhere else.
  • Eyes are just windows, they can’t see through them. How can a window see? You have to stand at the window, only then can you see.
  • Act, speak, with full awareness and then you will find a tremendous change in you. The very fact that you are aware changes your acts.
  • In awareness, jealousy never arises. In awareness, many things simply disappear – all the things that are negative.
  • Acts don’t mean anything. Acts do not matter – you, your awareness, you being conscious, mindful, is what matters. What you do is not the concern.
  • Once you have known awareness, nothing is worth it.
  • The waking have one world in common; sleepers have each a private world of his own.
  • Dreams are private, absolutely private! Nobody can enter into your dream. You cannot share a dream with your beloved.
  • You have your own world; if you are asleep you live enclosed in your own thoughts, concepts, dreams, desires. Whenever you meet another, two worlds clash. Worlds in collision – this is what the situation is. Watch!
  • Truth cannot be private, remember, it must belong to the world of dreams. Truth is an open sky, it is for all, it is one.
  • Mind has a private world but consciousness has no private worlds.
  • Your world has to be dropped; that is the only renunciation.
  • The real world that has to be renounced is the mind; the private dreaming world.
  • How can you escape yourself? Wherever you go, you will be with yourself.
  • Drop dreaming become more alert. Suddenly dreams disappear, and with dreams all miseries disappear.
  • When you are awake, you see death all around.
  • Maybe that’s why you don’t want to see. Maybe that’s why you dream and create a cloud of dreams around you, so that you are not required to face the fact of death. But remember; a man becomes religious only when he encounters death, never before.
  • Suddenly you become aware that death is life. The deeper you move into death, the deeper you move in life because. Heraclitus says, the opposites meet and mingle; they are one. If you are trying to escape from death, remember, you will be escaping from life also. That’s why you look so dead. This is the paradox; escape death and you remain dead; face, encounter death and you become alive.
  • Die to time so that you are resurrected into eternity. Die to mind so you become alive in consciousness. Die to thinking so that you are born into awareness.
  • Whatever we see when awake is death. That’s why we live in dreams, sleeps, tranquilizers, narcotics, intoxicants – in order not to face the fact. But the fact has to be faced, If you face it, the fact become the truth; if you escape, you live in lies. If you face the fact, the fact becomes the door for the truth. The fact is death; that has to be faced. And the truth will be life, eternal life, life in abundance, life that never ends.
  • Constantly wherever you are, remember yourself.
  • This constant remembering of the self creates a subtle energy, a very subtle energy in you. You begin to be a crystallized being.
  • Awareness is what makes you a master – and when I say a master, I do not mean a controller. When I say be a master, I mean be a presence – a continuous presence.
  • This simple feeling of oneself, that one is, creates a center – a center of stillness, a center of silence, a center of when I say “an inner power,” I mean it literally. That is why the Buddha’s talk about “the fire of awareness” – it is a fire.
  • If you begin to be aware, you begin to feel a new energy in you, a new fire, a new life. And because of this new life, new power, new energy, many things that were dominating you just dissolve. You don’t have to fight with them.
  • Ego is a false sense of self.
  • It is difficult to be aware even for a single moment, the mind is constantly flickering. But it is not impossible. It is arduous, it is difficult, but it is not impossible.
  • The more unconscious you are, the further away you are from yourself. The more conscious, the nearer you reach to yourself.
  • Awareness is the technique for centering oneself, for achieving the inner fire.
  • Be aware. Bring awareness to your life.
  • When you think of going into the past, at the most you go into the memory of it; it is not the real past, it is just the memory. The past is no more, so you cannot reform it.
  • The second impossible idea that has always dominated the human mind is to establish the future – which again, cannot be done. Future means that which is not yet; you cannot establish it. Future remains unestablished, future remains open.
  • Don’t waste your present moment trying to make the future certain. The future is uncertainty; that is the very quality of the future. And don’t waste your time looking back. The past has happened, it is a dead phenomenon.
  • Future is pure potentiality, unless it happens, you cannot be certain about it. Past is pure actuality, it has happened. Now nothing can be done about it. Between these two, man stands in the present always thinking of the impossibles.
  • You can only destroy the present moment, which is the only moment available, real.
  • No problem is serious. The moment you say no problem is serious, the problem is almost 99 percent dead.
  • The past and its conditionings do exist – but they exist either in the body or in the brain; they don’t exist in your consciousness because the consciousness cannot be conditioned. Consciousness remains free – freedom is its innermost quality, freedom is its nature.
  • The whole Eastern methodology can be reduced to one word: witnessing. And the whole western methodology can reduced to one thing: analyzing. Analyzing, you go round and round. Witnessing, you simply get out of the circle.
  • Analysis will always remain half, so analysis never helps anybody really. It cannot help.
  • Witnessing will not change your conditioning. Witnessing will not change your body musculature. But witnessing will give you an experience that you are beyond all musculature, all conditioning. In that moment of beyondness, no problem exists – not for you.
  • Witnessing is the technique for centering.
  • Understand clearly the distinction between reaction and action.
  • Thinking is judgment – the moment you think, you have begun to judge.
  • Thinking is evaluation. You cannot think without evaluation.
  • Thinking is categorizing.
  • The moment you have categorized a thing – labeled it, named it – you have thought about it.
  • Thinking is impossible if you are not going to judge. If you are not going to judge, then you can just remain aware – but you cannot think.
  • You have judge it according to your past.
  • Mind means your past, your memories. The past has come upon the present.
  • That’s why thinking can never lead you to the truth – because truth is virgin and has to be faced in its total virginity. The moment you bring your past in, you are destroying it.
  • Thinking means bringing your past to the present. Witnessing means no past, the present – no bringing in of the past.
  • What is thinking? It is the brining of the mind into the present. You have missed the present then – you have missed it totally! The moment the past penetrates into the present, you have missed it.
  • Thinking is dead, witnessing is alive.
  • The more thoughts you have, the greater the ego you have.
  • Language is needed to communicate with others; it is not needed to communicate with oneself. It is a useful instrument – rather, the most useful instrument. Man could create a society, a world, only because of language. But because of language, man has forgotten himself.
  • The mind cannot do two things simultaneously – thinking and witnessing.
  • Witnessing is a passive awareness, with no action inside. Awareness itself is not an action.
  • Body and mind are not two separate entities. Bodymind is a single system, so when the mind becomes tense, the body becomes tense.
  • So there are two kinds of tension, the body tensions and the mind tensions. Both have to be released before you can start relaxation, which will bring you to awareness.
  • From unawareness to awareness is the greatest quantum leap.
  • Mind is not a thing, but an event. A thing has substance in it, an event is just a process.
  • The mind is just a process. In fact, mind doesn’t exist – only thoughts, thoughts moving so fast that you think and feel that something exists there in continuity. One thought comes, another thought comes, another, and they go on… the gap is so small you cannot see the interval between one thought and another. So two thoughts become joined, they become a continuity, and because of that continuity you think there is a mind.
  • Thoughts are like clouds – they come and go, and you are the sky.
  • Mind is nothing but the absence of your presence.
  • Have you ever noticed that not even a single thought has arisen out of you? Not a single thought has come through your being; they always come from the outside. They don’t belong to you – rootless, homeless, they hover.
  • The whole of the science of meditation, is nothing but centering, moving toward the center, getting rooted there, abiding there. And from there the whole perspective changes.
  • Centering in consciousness is the mastery of the mind.
  • The stronger person absorbs everything. And he is richer for it.
  • Awareness is your being, consciousness is your being.
  • Thinking cannot be stopped.
  • Mind is one of the most beautiful mechanisms. Science has not yet been able to create anything parallel to mind. Mind still remains the masterpiece, so complicated, so tremendously powerful, with so many potentialities. Watch it! Enjoy it!
  • Look at the delicacy and the endurability of the mind – so delicate.
  • Tremendous is the capacity of the mind – and in such a small space.
  • Mind is making almost no noise; it goes on working silently.
  • The more you know, the more you understand.
  • When you die, everything in your body is ready to die – except the mind.
  • The separation comes from the mind.
  • The modern mind is in much hurry.
  • Meditation is not an effort against the mind; it is a way of understanding the mind. It is a loving way of witness the mind – but of course, one has to be patient.
  • Bodies are separate, minds overlapping, and souls are one. I don’t have a different soul and you don’t have a different soul. At the very center of existence we meet and are one. That’s what “God” is – the meeting point of all.
  • Mind is a bridge, a bridge between the body and the soul, between the world and god. Don’t try to destroy it.
  • I am not in favor of stopping the mind I am in favor of watching it. It stops of its own accord – and then it is beautiful.
  • Miracles happen of their own accord. There is no need to pull and push.
  • How to stop thinking? I say just watch, be alert. And drop this idea of stopping, otherwise it will stop the natural idea of stopping! Who are you to stop?
  • It is just fiction, you are seeing an inner movie.
  • No-mind is not against mind; no-mind is beyond mind. No-mind does not come by killing and destroying the mind; no-mind comes when you have understood the mind so totally that thinking is no longer needed – your understanding has replaced it.
  • Even if immoral thoughts, so-called immoral thoughts, pass through your mind, let them pass. Nothing is wrong, you remain detached, no harm is being done. It is just fiction, you are seeing an inner movie.
  • The present is not really time for the ordinary consciousness – for the ordinary consciousness, the past is real time, the present just a passage form the past to the future, just a momentary passage. The past is real and the future also, but the present is unreal for the ordinary consciousness.
  • For a Buddha-consciousness, for an awakened being, only the present is existential.
  • Only when one waked up is the present real, and the past and future both become unreal.
  • Why is this so? Why do you live in the past? – Because mind is nothing but an accumulation of the past. Mind is memory – all that you have done, all that you have dreamed, all that you wanted to do and could not do, all that you have imagined in the past, is your mind, Mind is a dead entity. If you look through the mind, you will never find the present because the present is life, and life can never be approached through a dead medium. Mind is dead.
  • The mind cannot think of the unknown. The mind can only project the known, that which you know.
  • Whatsoever you do in the future will be nothing but a continuation of the past. You can change a little – a patch here, a patch there, but the main part will remain just the same.
  • Every action is self-perpetuating, every thought is self-perpetuating. Once you cooperate with it, you are giving energy to it. Sooner or later it will become habitual. You will do it and you will not be the doer; you will do it just because of the force of habit.
  • Habit finally becomes first nature and nature becomes secondary.
  • You live through the habit – that means that the habit lives basically through you. The habit itself persists, it has an energy of its own.
  • Habit will become the master and you will be just a servant, a shadow.
  • Habits force you to do certain things; you are a victim.
  • Thought is also subtle action in the mind.
  • You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry, and nobody can make you happy.
  • The basic change is needed there inside you.
  • If you go on throwing responsibility on the other, remember that you will always remain a slave because nobody can change the other. How can you change the other? Has anybody ever changed the other.
  • You need space – the past is so much inside, a junkyard of dead things, there is no space for the present to enter. That junkyard goes on dreaming about the future, so half the place is filled with that which is no more and half the place is filled with that which is not yet. And the present? It simply the door.
  • Be total in your acts, and if you are total, you have to be aware; nobody can be total without being aware.
  • But anger happens first, then the body follows.
  • It is only out of silence that action arises. If you are not silent – if you don’t know how to sit silently, or stand silently in deep meditation – whatsoever you go on doing is reaction, not action.
  • When somebody insults you, you have to become a receiver, you have to accept what he says, only then can you react. But if you don’t accept, if you simply remain detached, if you keep the distance, if you remain cool what can he do?
  • I don’t take your insults, and unless I take them, they are meaningless.
  • The man of awareness, understanding, acts. The man who is unaware, unconscious, mechanical, robot like, reacts.
  • Intelligence becomes sharpened only when you act.
  • Watching should lead you into action, a new kind of action. A new quality is brought to action. You watch, you are utterly quiet and silent. You see what the situation is, and out of that seeing you respond.
  • The man of awareness responds, he is responsible – literally! He is responsive, he does not react.
  • The real man of understanding acts – acts tremendously, acts totally, bur he acts in the moment, out of his consciousness.
  • Life is never static, it goes on changing.
  • A picture is static. It remains as it is, it never changes.
  • Learn sitting silently – become a mirror. Silence makes a mirror out of your consciousness, and then you function moment to moment.
  • The knowledgeable man is the most blind man in the world. Because he functions out of his knowledge, he does not see what the case is. He simply goes on functioning mechanically. He has learned something; it has become a ready-made mechanism in him and he acts out of it.
  • Man ordinarily functions out of the past – and life goes on changing. Life has no obligation to fit with your conclusions.
  • It is the nature of the mind to be in a limbo. It is the nature of the mind to be in the middle of polar opposites.
  • Mind has no certainty about anything.
  • So awareness will take you out of the limbo.
  • Postponing becomes an inner dialogue, an inner monologue. Do not postpone. Live right here and now. And the more you live in the present, the less you will need this constant “minding” this constant thinking.
  • Try to be total in every moment.
  • Put the responsibility on yourself. Be responsible because then something can be one. You can only do something with yourself. You cannot change anyone else in this world, you can only change yourself.
  • Stop trying to be good.
  • The only sin is unawareness, and the only virtue is awareness.
  • My whole message is that you need a consciousness. Not a character. Consciousness is the real thing, character the false entity. Character is needed by those who don’t have consciousness.
  • I would like you to live moment to moment.
  • Be responsive to each moment.
  • The man of character reacts, the man of consciousness acts.
  • Character is stagnant; it is a dirty pool of water. Consciousness is a river.
  • The moment you start seeing your faults, they start dropping like dry leaves.
  • Just to be aware of your faults is all that is needed. In that awareness they start disappearing, they evaporate.
  • One can go committing a certain error only if one remains unconscious of it.
  • Hence all the Buddha’s down the ages have been teaching only one thing – awareness.
  • Buddha’s teach you consciousness not conscience. Conscience is a trick played upon you by others – others are telling you what is right and what is wrong. They are forcing their ideas upon you, and they go on forcing them from your very childhood.
  • Become more alert, more conscious. Just go deeper and deeper into yourself till you find the center of your being.
  • Morality is concerned with good qualities and bad qualities.
  • The moment you are conscious of your own being, goodness follows you like a shadow. Then there is no need of any effort to be good; goodness becomes your nature. Just as the trees are green, you are good.
  • Awareness is not something to cultivated; it is already there, it has just to be awakened.
  • Coming to a point of absolute awareness, there is no question of choice – you simply do whatever is good. You do it innocently, just as your shadow follows you, with no effort.
  • People are watching only others; they never bother to watch themselves. Everybody is watching – that is the most superficial watching – what the other person is doing, what the other person is wearing, how he looks.
  • Awareness grows slowly, but it grows. One just has to be patient.
  • Never forget that you are a watcher.
  • Anything of the mind can never lead you beyond the mind.
  • The transformation has to be inner. This is real renunciation; the old world is gone because the old being is gone.
  • Watchfulness is the greatest magic that one can learn. Because it can begin the transformation of your whole being.
  • Desires are of the conscious mind, needs of the unconscious.
  • A desire comes out of your thinking, training, conditioning.
  • Fulfill the needs and don’t bother about the desires. If you really want to be blissful, fulfill the needs and don’t bother about desires. If you want to be miserable, cut the needs and follow the desires.
  • A man who listens to his needs and follows them.
  • Always remember the unconscious is right, because it has the wisdom of the ages.
  • The unconscious is tremendously wise, and the conscious is tremendously foolish – has to be so, because the conscious is just of this life, very small, with no experience. It is childish. The unconscious is eternal wisdom. Listen to it.
  • It is just a mind creation.
  • We don’t live in the same world; everybody live in his own world. There are as many worlds as there as minds.
  • If the mind is there, all that happens is dream.
  • And the second realization will be that you are a witness: the dream is there but you are not part of it. You are not part of your mind, you are a transcendence. You are in the mind but you are not the mind. You look through the mind but you are not the mind. You use the mind but you are not the mind. Suddenly you are a witness – no longer a mind.
  • Suddenly the witness comes in and everything changes.
  • Passive alertness – loose, natural, relaxed, just looking out of the corner of your eye. Not too active about it – just passive awareness, not too concerned.
  • Bring awareness to each act.
  • There are two planes in you, the plane of the mind, and the plane of the no-mind.
  • A man of awareness and understanding moves from the periphery to the center to the periphery. From the marketplace to the monastery, from being extrovert to being introvert – he continuously goes on moving because these two are his wings. They are not against each other.
  • This is the way of a lopsided life. They have again fallen into the same fallacy on the opposite pole.
  • Relate with others, but relate with yourself also. Love others, but love yourself also. Go out! – The world is beautiful, adventurous; it is a challenge, it enriches. Don’t lose that opportunity – whenever the world knocks at your door and calls you, go out fearlessly – there is nothing to lose, there is everything to gain. But don’t get lost. Don’t go on and on and get lost; sometimes come back home. Sometimes forget the world – those are the moments from meditation. Each day, if you want to become balanced, you should balance the outer and the inner. They should carry the same weight, so that inside you never become lopsided.
  • A man of laughter is also a man of tears – then a man is balanced. A man of bliss is also a man of silence. A man who is ecstatic is also a man who is centered. They both go together. And out of this togetherness of polarities a balanced being is born. And that is what the goal is.

To buy the book, click the link in the image below to purchase from Amazon.

Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance is a book about mindfulness by the controversial spiritual teacher Osho.

If you haven’t read anything of Osho yet, you’re in for a treat. His stuff is funny, insightful, provocative, and very polarizing. People either think he was a genius or a complete nutjob. Me, I’m in the former camp. Almost everything this man said makes a ton of sense to me. I’ve probably had more insights reading his book or watching YouTube videos from him than with anyone else.

His books aren’t actually written by him. Crackpack mod list. The content is instead taken from the countless lectures he gave to his followers.

Osho Awareness Pdf 2017

Awareness, as the book title suggests is all about living life with more awareness, mindfulness, watchfulness – call it whatever you want. If you’re not familiar with Osho’s work or spiritual reading in general, some things may come across as weird and you’ll probably get a lot of question marks. That’s normal. If you can identify with some of what he says, great. And if not, then it’s maybe not for you.

And don’t be put off by the tag “spiritual.” I used to be very skeptical about it, but spiritual books aren’t what they’re made out to be. What they actually teach you is to give less of a fuck about the small stuff in life.

Who Is Awareness for?

  • Anyone interested in living a more carefree, spontaneous life
  • Anyone who’s going through a really hard time right now
  • Anyone struggling to find purpose and happiness in life

1. The Normal State of Humanity: Sleepwalking

“You sleep when you sleep, but you also sleep while you are awake… Even right now you are dreaming within. A thousand and one thoughts continue and you are not conscious of what is happening, you are not aware of what you are doing, you are not aware of who you are. You move as people move in sleep.”

Osho Awareness Pdf

“We go on living absolutely inattentive to what is happening around us. Yes, we have become very efficient in doing things. What we are doing, we have become so efficient in doing that we don’t need any awareness to do it. It has become mechanical, automatic. We function like robots.”

Osho Awareness Pdf File

According to Osho and other spiritual gurus like Lao Tzu or Buddha, most of us move through life like sleepwalkers, never really present in what we’re doing, never fully alert to our environment, and never even aware of what motivates us to do and say the things we do.

We live mechanical, automatic, unconscious lives. While we’re asleep, we simply act out our conditionings, habits, and impulses. That’s what sleepwalking means: acting mechanically, habitually, automatically, impulsively, unconsciously. When we’re sleepwalking, we’re not really there – we’re absent, lost in our thoughts about the future or the past, but not present.

If you look at other people, you can see this quite well. People are never really here-now, never really alert and conscious. They are always asleep, either worrying about the future or thinking about the past. They are absent. And so are you. And so am I.

That’s simply the current state of humanity. The opposite of that state is being present, what Osho calls awareness.

2. What Is Awareness?

“Awareness means that whatsoever is happening in the moment is happening with complete consciousness; you are present there.”

Awareness means being present to the moment. It means being fully alert, fully conscious, fully here-now. It means inhabiting the present moment with all five senses. You are simply taking in everything the moment has to offer.

When you’re washing the dishes, awareness means washing the dishes and not being occupied with anything else. Not thinking about yesterday. Not thinking about tomorrow. Just washing the dishes. Smelling the soap. Feeling the warm water running down your hands and arms. Seeing the ceramic of the dishes getting cleaner and cleaner.

3. Another Word for Awareness: Watchfulness

“The only thing that has to be learned is watchfulness. Watch! Watch every act that you do. Watch every thought that passes in your mind. Watch every desire that takes possession of you. Watch even small gestures – walking, talking, eating, taking a bath. Go on watching everything. Let everything become an opportunity to watch.”

“Don’t eat mechanically, don’t just go on stuffing yourself – be very watchful. Chew well and watchfully… and you will be surprised how much you have been missing up to now, because each bite will give you tremendous satisfaction…”

Being watchful, being aware, being alert – those are all the same things. We can also call it mindfulness, a term which you may be more familiar with.

Mindfulness is defined as the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

Another definition: Mindfulness isa mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Awareness, mindfulness, watchfulness. Call it what you like. The book is all about growing this skill.

4. Two Ways out of Suffering

“People are living in suffering. There are only two ways out of it: They can become meditators – alert, awake, conscious… that’s an arduous thing. It needs guts. Or the cheaper way is to find something that can make you even more unconscious than you are, so you cannot feel the misery. Find something that makes you utterly insensitive, some intoxicant, some painkiller that makes you so unconscious that you can escape into that unconsciousness and forget all about your anxiety, anguish, meaninglessness.”

People are living in suffering. If you’re familiar with Buddhism, you know this is the first of four noble truths: Life is suffering.

It is impossible to live without experiencing some kind of suffering. We endure physical suffering like injury, exhaustion, sickness, old age, and eventually death. And we endure psychological suffering like fear, frustrations, loneliness, embarrassment, disappointment, the death of loved ones, and so on.

There’s no doubt about this: Life is suffering. So, how do you get out of it? According to Osho, there are two ways.

The first way out of suffering is meditation, awareness, mindfulness. Of course, this is the way Osho and other spiritual masters recommend. It’s a difficult path. One that requires patience, hard work, and persistence.

Osho Meditation Pdf

The second way to alleviate suffering is to simply cover it up by becoming unconscious. This is what most of us do all the time. When we feel the slightest itch of negative emotions, we turn on the television, play video games, read the news, hop on Facebook, or check our emails.

This second way has become a real way of life for most of us. We dread even a moment of being alone with ourselves and our emotions. We have a desperate need to stay unconscious, so that we are unaware of our suffering.

David R. Hawkins, another spiritual teacher, put it well in his book Letting Go: “People are desperate to stay unconscious. We observe how often people flick on the television set the minute they enter a room and then walk around in a dream-like state, constantly being programmed by the data poured into them. People are terrified of facing themselves. They dread even a moment of aloneness. Thus the constant frantic activities: the endless socializing, talking, texting, reading, music playing, working, traveling, sightseeing, shopping, overeating, gambling, movie-going, pill-taking, drug-using, and cocktail-partying.”

We are so terrified of being with ourselves, most of us can’t even go to the toilet without our cellphones.

5. The Miracle of Awareness

“And the miracle of awareness is that you need not do anything except become aware. The very phenomenon of watching it, changes it.”

“Act, speak, with full awareness and then you will find a tremendous change in you. The very fact that you are aware changes your acts.”

“And when you watch, a clarity arises. Why does clarity arise out of watchfulness? Because the more watchful you become the more all your hastiness slows down. You become more graceful. As you watch, your chattering mind chatters less, because the energy that was becoming chattering is turning and becoming watchfulness – it is the same energy! Now more and more energy will be transformed into watchfulness, and the mind will not get its nourishment. Thoughts will start becoming thinner, they will start losing weight. Slowly, slowly, they will start dying. And as thoughts start dying, clarity arises. Now your mind becomes like a mirror.”

So, how exactly does awareness reduce suffering? How does it improve your life? How does it make you happier? What’s the point, basically?

The first thing to understand is that you don’t need to do anything in the process. You don’t need to try to change your thoughts, emotions, or your behavior. All you have to do is become more aware. Pay more attention. Be more alert, watchful.

The way positive change will happen is by the mere act of watching. As you watch something, it automatically starts changing for the better.

When you watch negative thoughts, they lose their power over you, they don’t disturb you so much anymore, and one day they’ll just disappear. When you watch negative emotions, the same thing happens. They lose their power over you and then they disappear.

When you watch your positive emotions, a different phenomenon happens. They grow stronger. As you keep watching them, you start experiencing them more and more often. In the scientific literature, this process of watching positive emotions is called savoring and it’s been shown to improve people’s happiness.

When you watch your behavior, something else happens. You will become aware that anger always makes you and everyone around you miserable. You will see that holding a grudge is a silly thing – all it does is make you miserable. Once you see what you get out of your behavior patterns, they will start dropping automatically. If you truly see that insulting people is silly, then you will automatically stop doing it. That’s the promise of awareness.

Here's another example Osho gives of the process:

“If you are carrying stones in your hand thinking that they are diamonds, I will not tell you to renounce those stones. I will simply say, ‘Be alert and have another look!’ If you yourself see that they are not diamonds, is there any need to renounce them? They will fall from your hands of their own accord. In fact, if you still want to carry them, you will have to make a great effort, you will have to bring great will, to still carry them. But you cannot carry them for long; once you have seen that they are useless, meaningless, you are bound to throw them away.”

6. Many Illnesses, One Prescription

“When people would ask Buddha, ‘What should we do not to be angry, or what should we do not to be greedy, or what should we do not to be so much obsessed with sex or food?’ his answer was always the same: be aware. Bring awareness to your life.”

“If two thousand persons fall asleep, they will have two thousand dreams. But if you come to me and ask how to get rid of this dream, the medicine will remain the same: wake up! It is not going to be different; the prescription is going to be the same. You can call it awareness, you can call it witnessing, you can call it remembering, you can call it meditation – these are different names for the same medicine.”

According to Osho, there’s only one cure for all the psychological troubles we’re facing: awareness.

If you struggle with anxiety, the cure is awareness. Watch your anxiety, be alert when it arises, pay attention to it. Be curious. See it for what it is. If you keep watching it long enough, it will eventually drop by itself.

Likewise, if you struggle with depression, the cure is watching the depression. If you struggle with insecurities, the cure is witnessing the insecurities. If you struggle with anger, the cure is becoming more aware of the anger. If you struggle with addictions, the cure is paying more attention to your addictive patterns.

7. The Goal: Living With as Much Awareness as You Can Muster

“Whatsoever you are doing – walking, sitting, eating, or if you are not doing anything, just breathing, resting, relaxing in the grass – never forget that you are a watcher.

You will forget it again and again. You will get involved in some thought, some feeling, some emotion, some sentiment – anything will distract you from the watcher. Remember, and run back to your center of watching.

Make it an inner process, continuously… You will be surprised at how life changes its whole quality. I can move my hand without any watchfulness, and I can also move my hand absolutely watching from inside the whole movement. The movements are totally different. The first movement is a robot movement, mechanical. The second movement is a conscious movement. And when you are conscious, you feel that hand from within; when you are not conscious, you only know the hand from without.”

This is kind of Osho’s core message: Live your life with as much awareness, alertness, mindfulness as possible.

You can be aware in any and every of your day’s activities: When you’re taking a shower, feel the water as it hits your body and smell the scent of your soap. When you’re walking to the gym, listen attentively to the sound of the wind hushing by. When you’re taking a nap, feel every part of your body lying there and pay attention to the fact that you’re slowly, slowly entering into a state of sleep.

If we realize and accept that awareness changes us for the better (see point five), then it makes sense to spend as much time as possible living with awareness. The more aware we become, the more we will grow as a person, the more we will let our miseries and past conditionings behind, and the happier and more fulfilled we will be.

Of course, all of this is easier said than done. Being mindful throughout our day-to-day lives is an incredibly difficult endeavor.

8. “It Is Arduous, It Is Difficult, But It Is Not Impossible.”

“Act mindfully. It is a long, arduous journey, and it is difficult to be aware even for a single moment; the mind is constantly flickering. But it is not impossible. It is arduous, it is difficult, but it is not impossible. It is possible – for everyone it is possible.”

The first thing to realize when embarking on a path of mindfulness is that it’ll be a long and arduous journey.

Our normal lives are the complete opposite of what we’re trying to do here. For our entire lifetimes, we have been asleep. We have lived mechanical, habitual, unconscious lives. Naturally, it will be difficult to change our ways. If you have lived a certain way for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60+ years, then changing will be a challenge.

And so, we will miss many times. What matters is not that we miss. What matters is how we react when we miss…

9. You Will Miss Many Times

“Move in life remaining continuously watchful. Again and again you will forget. Don’t become miserable because of that; it is natural. For millions of lives you have never tried watchfulness, so it is simple, natural, that you go on forgetting again and again. But the moment you remember, again watch.

Remember one thing: when you remember that you have forgotten watching, don’t become sorry, don’t repent; otherwise, again you are wasting time. Don’t feel miserable: ‘I missed again.’ Don’t start feeling ‘I am a sinner.’ Don’t start condemning yourself, because this is a sheer waste of time. Never repent for the past! Live in the moment. If you had forgotten, so what? It was natural – it has become a habit, and habits die hard. And these are not habits imbibed in one life; these are habits imbibed in millions of lives. So if you can remain watchful even for a few moments, feel thankful. Even those few moments are more than can be expected.”

“So remember one thing: whenever you realize that you have gone to the past or into the future, don’t create a problem out of it. Simply come to the present, not creating any problem. It’s okay! Simply bring back your awareness. You will miss millions of times; it is not going to happen right now, immediately. It can happen, but it cannot because of you. It is such a long, long, fixed mode of behavior that you cannot change it right now. But no worry, existence is not in a hurry. Eternity can wait eternally. Don’t create a tension about it.

Whenever you feel you have missed, come back, that’s all. Don’t feel guilty; that’s a trick of the mind, now it is again playing a game. Don’t repent: ‘I again forgot.’ Just when you think, come back to whatsoever you are doing. Taking your bath, come back; eating your food, come back; going for a walk, come back. The moment you feel you are not here and now, come back – simply, innocently. Don’t create guilt. If you become guilty, then you miss the point.”

Let’s say you decide to bring more mindfulness to your life. What will inevitably happen is that you forget being mindful over and over again. You are mindful for a moment, but then you get distracted. And then it may take you a few minutes, hours, or even days until you realize, “Oh, I haven’t been mindful. I forgot!”

This is natural and it’s bound to happen a lot. In those moments, our natural response is to feel guilty and beat ourselves up, “Why am I so bad at this? I can’t even stay mindful for a few minutes! I’m terrible! I’m the worst!”

This isn’t helpful. In fact, it’s just more unconsciousness, more sleepwalking.

Instead of condemning yourself or creating guilt, simply accept it and come back to the present moment. Don’t waste time worrying about the fact that you’ve missed. Just come back. Simply. Innocently.

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10. The Only Real Change Is a Change in Consciousness

“How can you escape yourself? Wherever you go, you will be with yourself. Wherever you go, you will behave in the same way. Situations may be different, but how can you be different? You will be asleep in the Himalayas. What different does it make whether you sleep in Pune or in Boston, or you sleep in London or in the Himalayas? Wherever you are, you will be dreaming. Drop dreaming! Become more alert. Suddenly dreams disappear, and with dreams all miseries disappear.”

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People keep trying to change their lives by changing externals. We buy new cars, new clothes, new furniture. We get a new job. We move to a new place. We get a new wife or husband.

We can keep changing externals all we want. The key factor in how we feel is ourselves. Even with the new car, new job, new spouse, new place… we will remain the same person with the same conditioning, with the same thought patterns, with the same emotional problems.

If we want real change in life, we need a change in consciousness. Eckhart Tolle puts this nicely in The Power of Now: “You may win $10 million, but that kind of change is no more than skin deep. You would simply continue to act out the same conditioned patterns in more luxurious surroundings. Humans have learned to split the atom. Instead of killing ten or twenty people with a wooden club, one person can now kill a million just by pushing a button. Is that real change?”

Osho Awareness Pdf Free

Further Reading

If you enjoyed this, you’ll probably enjoy other books about mindfulness and spirituality as well. Here are three suggestions:

  • Peace Is Every Step by Thich Naht Hanh. This is a book about mindfulness and mindful living by one of the best known Buddhist teachers of the world right now.
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Tolle is probably the best known spiritual teacher of the 21st century so far. He talks about the same topics as Osho, but tends to use different language for it.
  • The Mindfulness Solution by Ronald Siegel. If you want a science-based and Western look at mindfulness, this is a good choice.

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