Basic Feng Shui Principles Pdf

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Oct 15, 2015  Apart from the previously mentioned principles of a feng shui home, you should know that there are other elements that can help or block the chi in your house. Colors can improve a room's feng shui, but not everything goes, the colors will depend on the use and position of each room. A Framework for Site Analysis with Emphasis on Feng Shui and Contemporary Environmental Design Principles. 8References.pdf (30.89Kb). Based on the applicability of feng shui principles and their interpretations into measurable factors, this research compares and incorporates feng shui and contemporary environmental design.

  • Creating Good Feng Shui

    It can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start when it comes to cultivating good feng shui in your home. What rooms should you begin with? How do you start fresh or what do you do if a room is already decorated? Thankfully, it doesn't need to be challenging. We've compiled a few ideas that will kickstart your journey to a happier and healthier home. So whether you’re new to feng shui or an expert, here are nine essential steps to create good feng shui in every room of your home.

  • Brighten Up Your Entry

    In feng shui, your entry represents how energy enters your home and your life. We say the front door is the “mouth of qi.” Naturally, the entry is first place to start when you want to create good feng shui in your home.

    Start with decluttering and removing any debris. A lot of objects tend to accumulate at the front door. I'm not saying it needs to be completely empty, but rather uncluttered. Make it work for you.

    Next, sweep and clean up the area. The front entry (interior and exterior) is often overlooked. Wipe down the door and shake out the door mat. Take a good look around.

    Then can you make this space more inviting and spacious by removing or adding anything. This creates a place for the energy that enters your home to collect and gather.

    Finally, make sure this space is well lit and bright. Add lighting or change the bulbs.

  • Clean Your Windows

    Windows symbolize the eyes of the adults in the home. For children, they symbolize their voice. To create good feng shui in your home, clean your windows on a regular basis. Clear, clean windows let in more sunlight.

    Sunlight naturally energizes and wakes us up. Sunlight also vibrantly renders all of the colors and objects that we see. Therefore, our homes become more expansive, vibrant, and energetic when we let in more light. Clean windows metaphorically wake us up to see the world around us with the most color, clarity, and precision.

    As a bonus, use non-toxic cleaners whenever possible. One of our favorites is a simple solution of white vinegar, water, and a few drops of essential oil.

  • Give Your Doors Some Attention

    In feng shui, doors represent your voice and communication. Doors are also portals in which opportunities can come into your life. This is why your doors deserve a bit of your attention.

    There are two things to look out for. First, be sure that all your doors can open to at least a full 90 degrees. When there is a bunch of clutter behind a door, it can’t open all the way. This means that you’re only able to receive a portion of the opportunities life has to offer. There’s parts that you’re closing yourself off to.

    Second, check that all your doors are working properly. Make sure that the hardware functions effortlessly and the hinges are not squeaking. Look to see that the door can close well and with ease. All these details affect how the energy finds its way to you. You want the flow to be as smooth as possible.

  • Commanding Position

    One of the most important principles in feng shui is the commanding position. This governs how you can position yourself in life. Be sure to apply this principle to your to the location of your bed, desk, and stove.

    The bed represents you. The desk represents your career. And the stove represents your wealth. When you are in these spaces, be sure that you can see the door without being directly in line with it. For example, when you are lying in bed, sitting at your desk, or cooking at the stove, you want to be able to see the door. Oftentimes this means you end up diagonal or 'kitty-corner' from the door.

    When you are in a commanding position, you are in command of your life. You are in a position to receive positive energy and the best opportunities.

  • Remove Obstacles in Your Path

    Take a good look at your daily path through your home. Yep, we're asking you to literally look at the physical path you walk as you move through your home. From when you wake up and arise from bed, then to the bathroom, and so on as you head out the door. Then from when you get home, make dinner, and end back in bed.

    We become desensitized to all the blocks and physical obstacles we have in our daily path. Maybe it’s that light fixture that flickers or the door that always sticks and you have to slam closed. It’s an obstacle when you have to squeeze through a cluttered hallway. When you hopelessly peer into a closet jammed with clothes that don’t fit you anymore—all of this affects you! Like plaque in our arteries, over time these obstacles can accumulate and create problems for us.

    The first step is to notice the obstacles, then adjust with kindness. Be gentle. One thing at a time.

  • Be Spacious

    Clutter is often in the same sentence as feng shui, but we’d say that feng shui is less about de-cluttering and more about creating space.

    How do you make your life more spacious? Start with your home. Find a physical spot: a drawer, room, corner of the refrigerator, desk—the size doesn’t matter—and let go of what’s no longer necessary. When you let something go, you create open space to invite a new, fresh opportunity.

    And don’t beat yourself up if the space gets filled up. It’s how the universe works. Life is not static or solid, there is impermanence. We can joyfully dance with the waxing and waning of our humanity. Our open spaces get filled up, then emptied, then filled again. Always be open to a fresh start. Find a new (or the same) corner to release and create some space over and over again.

  • Space Clearing

    Hand in hand with being spacious is space clearing. Sometimes in feng shui, we call this a space blessing. Along with the physical space is the energetic space and both can be cleared.

    There’s a few techniques that you can use. My favorites are smudging with palo santo or diffusing sweet orange essential oil. In need of a simple space clearing technique that requires no materials? Visualize bright white sunlight is filling and cleansing your entire home.

    When you space clear your home, try to associate it with a positive intention. Hold an intention of what you want to cultivate and create in your life.

  • Plants Bring Life Energy

    In feng shui, plants embody life energy. What does that mean? Well, living green house plants connect us to nature and bring vibrancy into our homes. Green plants are like fresh pressed organic green juice for our homes. Think freshness, health, and vitality.

    The most important thing to remember is to find plants that you can care for and are appropriate for the space. For example, take your lighting conditions into consideration. If you’re new to plants, try some easy ones like the golden pothos.

  • Offer Gratitude

    Last, but not least, offer thanks to your home. Feng shui is a shamanic tradition that believes everything is alive, including our spaces! The same life energy (qi) that animates you, also flows through your home.

    Your home is your shelter. Your home gives you a place to rest, nourish, celebrate, and so much more. Offering gratitude to your home is simple. Just speak to your home with a humble heart and say thank you.

Principles Of Feng Shui

Feng shui is a pseudoscience that was developed in China dating back to 4000 B.C. It is believed that how you arrange your home can affect how energy (chi) flows through your home and your life.

Historically, the principles of feng shui were widely used to orient buildings in an auspicious manner—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs but also dwellings and other structures. Feng shui means 'wind water,' two of earth's flowing elements.

Feng shui—or good energy flow—can be easily applied in any space, by arranging furniture appropriately, like the placement of your bed, doors, the colors you use, mirrors, and water features.

Incorporating Feng Shui in Your Home

You do not need to have a deep understanding of feng shui principles to start applying feng shui in your home. Just say you believe in universal energy flowing through everything, and then embrace feng shui in your home remodel or redecorating. Easeus data recovery wizard 12.0 license code.

It is helpful to identify which areas of your home need help the most. For example, you might feel very good about your kitchen and your living room, thus tending to spend quite a bit of time there, but your bedroom, bathrooms, and closets are neglected. Do not completely ignore the areas that feel like too much work, such as the attached garage, the laundry room, or the closets. In feng shui, the house is viewed as a whole being in which one part is intricately connected to the other. Understand that one neglected area may sooner or later spread negative energy throughout your whole house.

Define a feng shui plan for your house or a list of priorities to bring the current state of your home closer to the state of your desired home. Know that with a strong intent and with enough perseverance, a harmonious home with great energy can be yours to enjoy.

Feng Shui Hot Spots

Front door color, door placement, and staircase placement in the home can affect how energy flows through your home. The front door, as the main portal for energy to enter the home, is very important. For example, if you have a staircase immediately at the front door, how does energy travel through the rest of the house? There are some fixes like the placement of plants, mirrors, and furniture that can diffuse the energy throughout the house.

Check your flow of chi. You can check your flow of chi by closing your eyes and imagine chi as a deluge of water that comes in the front door. Are there any spots in the house that will never get wet because things are blocking the way? Does energy get blocked before reaching your bedroom? Do you have good energy (sheng chi) or bad energy (si and sha chi) in your home?

Clutter disrupts the flow of chi through your home sometimes leaving pockets of bad energy. Clean up clutter to keep the flow of energy uninterrupted to all the parts of your home.

Tips for Some Rooms of Your Home

Anyone can implement a few of these tips to improve the feng shui flow and feel the power of connection between life and space:

  • Bathroom: The easiest tip to implement is in the bathroom. Always keep the bathroom door closed and keep the toilet seat lid down. The idea is that water goes out of the home here. In ancient Chinese tradition, water is related to wealth. You do not want your money being flushed or drained away.
  • Home office: Where you place your chair is important. A feng shui commanding position means you do not have your back to the door. Your desk should be positioned further from the door and not in line with it.
  • Baby's room: Keep your baby's bed away from the door, and minimize the number of electrical appliances that are close to the crib. Electronics near the baby means there is a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding the child.

Easy Feng Shui Basics

Feng Shui Cures

Feng shui cures—sometimes called adjustments, enhancements, or remedies—can be a good way to remediate the flow of energy in your home.

Principles Of Feng Shui Design

  • Crystals: Crystals are often used to modulate energy, fill in missing spots, and bring sunlight and chi into the home.
  • Fountains and water: A good, high-quality fountain can create awesome energy in any space. That, or an aquarium, would be good additions to any home.
  • Mirrors: Mirrors are the workhorses of feng shui cures since they can activate, circulate, expand, and deflect energy.
  • Auspicious symbols: You can get a Buddha, lucky bamboo, Fu dogs, dragon statue, or many other talismans that represent good energy. The use of color and art in your home can strongly affect your home's feng shui, too.